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Frequently Asked Questions about Qadian

General Questions

Q: What are weather conditions  of Qadian during all round a year ?
A: There are five Season in Qadian
Winter Season November-Jan Temperature 2C to 10C
Spring Feb-March Temperature 15 to 24C
summer April-July Temperaqture 30C to 45C
Rain Season August-September 25C to 35C
Fall Season October- November 20C to 25C

Q Does all food items are halal at restaurants?
A.No Check with the restaurants first.

Q.What is the best season to visit Qadian?
A.1. Jalsa time the best when you can avail blessings of Jalsa and also visit Qadian.
2. Otherwise during Feb-March and Sept-November  is best times for visiting Qadian when temperature is relatively good.

Q. What luggage preparation should I need?
A Prepare yourself according to need of Season.

Q. I am a patient, Can I get medicine or see doctor?
A. Yes, you can. for your own benefit bring all medicine with you. Noor hospital Qadian is Major hospital in Qadian.

Q. In case of emergency where can I contact?
A. contact office of Umoomi or Umoore amma, they will be happy to assist you

Q.Can I get booking at Langarkhana?
A. you have to contact through proper channel to Markaz for permission and booking. full all requirements before you travel.

Q. Can I do Photography or make movies from my camera?
A. check first, some areas need permission.

Q. What precaution I should take for my health?
A. International visitor should take Bottled water all the time, avoid spicy food, avoid food uncoooked, Wash all fruits.

Q: Where Can I get Taxi?
A. Ask your host or Umoomi office to provide you some contact numbers. Otherwise you can hire at bus stand.

Q. I need plug for Battery Charger?
A. Contact Electronic shops e.g. Malik electronics for help.

Q. Can I get Tour Guide?
A. Yes, ask your host to provide you contact.

Q. I heard Mosquitoes are at night and fly's are  at day time?
A. It is common in india. Take Mosquitoes Repellent with you if you can. You purchase from local market.

Q. Can I spent most of the time at Baitu Dua?
A. yes, of course, but check the timings and also your turn, you may have to wait for your turn.

Q.Can I make request for Prayer?
A. Yes, contact your host or Umoomi office or ameer Jama'at office.